Saturday, September 15, 2012

First ever stinky tofu

My first travel to Taiwan was in October of 2010 and i fell in love. That's it, i just simply fell in love and now, on my second Taiwan trip (and very certain to be coming back for more of this country) i have devoured one plate of the most sought after-stinky tofu! Was about to have a second order, but i remembered that Xiao Long Bao across the street that i obliged my husband and i to eat.
Night markets are one of those heavenly places i love, next to supermarkets of course. They have everything you need - from cheap fashion to cheap eats! Oooh that thought made me wanna transport and pack my bags to have that individual hot pot served right off the stove in boiling spicy soup base. 

Five days to go and we're off to this foodgasm place again! Now to learn how to order a peking duck for take out! 

I will be writing on how to travel with your kids and still get to spot the best food in town! 
Watch out for my next one. That is, if i won't be busy on this gastronomic journey with my 3year old son!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Less is great!

Alright, so I made it through my first blog.  I actually do not know how this may affect my daily activities (it seems addicting to me, at least for now). Anyway, I happen to be enjoying my vacation and i am still having that bliss of a moment from of our Boracay trip over the weekend (which by the way, i will definitely share on my future "blogs") when, i finally decided that i really want to do "blogging" i want to call it that way, or do you really call it that? Early this year i thought of this "blogging" thing, but i asked myself, do i have the time? am i that profound in my writing? will somebody actually read my blog?

I may not have the luxury of time, or happened to be one of those word-geek like my husband, and  while on that vacay, i realized that i will write for myself, like i used to when i was in school, Yes, that secret-diary-kind-of-thing? but this time to have it shared, publicly, maturely. 

It's all about firsts, so, my first realization of the day: eliminate negativity and live positively to inspire and impact others. 

Negativity T-shirtsSure, all of us could be having a bad day, forgot to pay our bills, run out of your grocery stocks, were late picking up our kids, partied all night and got juiced, mom/dad yelling to clean our room, husband/wife lost the car key, were late for work, have a boss that is so demanding (as always), want to whack our boss (as usual), can't decide what to eat for lunch, office is a mess, complaining about your work loads, complaining about your responsibilities getting bigger, complaining about your salary, late because of traffic, want to call sick (but not sick at all), tired of doing your routine work, and the lists goes on and on and on....and on....

Think of this: there are people who are away from their family struggling to earn and survive, people who take the bus or a jeepney,  people who always wanted to have kids (but have not been blessed), people who wants to work early to get some incentives, people who always wants to impress their boss, people who work more but gets paid less (minimum wagers, factory workers), people who are more patient, people who are sick, people who are single parents, people who are worrying where to get the money to buy their family a dinner, or worse, even worst, people who does not have/lost a wife/a husband/a job/a home...

Let's be grateful with what we have... worry less, laugh more, love more, complain less, smile more, give more, ask less, question no more and infect with positive vibes.

The shirt says it all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thus the name

pri-ma fa-cie : at first view ; on the first appearance.

This word was the first that came to mind as i ask my husband for an opinion as to what i would call myself in this world of bloggers, I am now Prima Fa-chic.

It's how i like my blog to be, everything that i have seen, tasted, tried, feared, cried about, etc. for the first time.
I want it simple. And since I'm a "newbie" as they call it, and because it's my "first" blog ever, I'd like to keep it short and sweet.

Everything will be about my "firsts". I blog for myself and if others want to read it, read on :)

By the way, these are just some of the First Photos i took from 2008 on wards using my then new camera... not that i am a photographer, but I'm a frustrated one.

My first ocular visit in this part of Tagaytay Highlands for our wedding held last 2010 
one of the first (very few) Bokeh shots i tried

here's another one.

my first photo using my then newly bought SB600 Flash

a great view from my first visit in Puerto Galera 
Alright that's a first, again, short but sweet...